Friday, August 22, 2014

Word Routes

I missed the deadline for putting this into the Five Sentence Fiction challenge, but I thought I would share it, anyway. The word for this week was Maps.

My words are returning home.
Traveling down dirt roads, growing to farm to market black top, maturing into full blown freeway lanes of story and rolling poetry, they are taking me back.
If, I but stay away from the brake, I may re-discover roads already traveled and happen upon paths unknown before.
Like the forever unfolded map in its resolve to never return to its original form, my words have learned of different ways to seek out new side roads and rest stops.
An unholy vow is broken, my journey resumes.


  1. This is beautiful; has reached my soul in places that I had forgotten about.

  2. Thank you so much! It is just the truth.

  3. Oh wow, this is really good Sharon. Words as a map. That's beautiful imagery.

    1. Thank you so much, Narrator! It has been a long journey back. I am so lucky to have found you, Rhissanna, and Magaly! You light my way with your writing and your encouragements!
